Don’t wait to take your research or thesis to the next level! Join a global community of learners and gain access to our comprehensive toolkit today.
Take control of your research journey with a personalized editable research design canvas to understand, build, and progress your thesis with confidence…
Dr. Ben Ellway, a Cambridge University PhD graduate, created the Academic Toolkit to simplify and enhance the research process. In 2015, he launched the toolkit’s flagship feature, the Research Design Canvas—a one-page tool now used by researchers in over 500 universities across 70+ countries.
By mapping out the key components of research on a single page, the canvas helps students structure their projects, make meaningful connections, and achieve a coherent thesis or dissertation.
Dr. Ellway also offers support for university cohorts, providing customized consultancy for effective learning design and student success
Dr. Ben Ellway
Founder, Academic Toolkit
Engaging Video-Based Courses
Dive into our interactive, online video-based courses which simplify the research journey. Each course is crafted to provide clear, actionable insights, without the burden of extensive or additional reading, allowing you to always stay focused on your research.
Step-by-Step Guidance & Instructions
Our courses offer comprehensive, step-by-step instructions tailored to specific parts of the research and thesis journey. Complex processes are broken down into more manageable steps, giving you confidence to learn about research by completing one task at a time.
Applied To Your Research
No passive or general learning about research, concepts, ideas, etc…All courses enable you to complete tasks for your research, project, or thesis. All course time is dedicated to helping you make progress.
14-Day Online Access
Enjoy 14 days of unlimited access to online courses, allowing you to revisit steps and rewatch specific lessons as needed. This flexible timeframe lets you learn at your convenience.
It was a great learning experience for me. I am using the tips learned for my scoping review now and enjoying reading the articles! It’s like reading with a brighter light on.
I found the process very helpful and exactly what I needed to help me start reading articles for their structure not just their content.
Questions from each of the building blocks 'forced' me to read the article with more intent rather than just mere ‘reading'. It made my reading of the article more purposeful.
The canvas is a very useful academic signposting tool that greatly enhances a doctoral student’s ability to deconstruct a paper and use that to map out the thesis journey.
The things you want to investigate in your research
Prior research already published on your topic area
Your review of prior literature to frame and justify your research
The unique investigative focus of your research
How you will investigate your questions or hypotheses
The data and context for your research
The original contribution or value-add to knowledge which you intend to make from your research
The theoretical or conceptual component of the research
Fundamental assumptions about the nature of reality and how to gain knowledge of it
Get access to a proven framework and start progressing in your academic research journey!
Download The Research Design Canvas
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